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812 days ago

Welcome to Azerbaijan!

 Azerbaijan is an amazing country. It's everything is unique - culture, history and customs and traditions, architecture and much more. Azerbaijan will surprise you with its natural conditions: beautiful landscapes, waterfalls and mountain rivers, springs with transparent water, deep gorges, green meadows, thermal and mineral springs, pure mountain air await you. Unforgettable days are waiting for you. Welcoming at airport by travel company representative at international airport of Baku.



We'll take you on a driving tour of Baku. You’ll be seeing some of the city’s most treasured landmarks, including Baku Expo Center, Buta Palace, National Tricolour - Park near Koroglu metro station, Heydar Aliyev cultural center, Boulevard – National Park. Accommodation at the hotel. After accommodation you will enjoy dinner at a restaurant. Leisure time in Baku. Overnight at Baku.


Absheron (Around Baku) excursion

Option 1 -->Fire Mountain-->Ateshgah--> Castle museum-- >Mardakan “Dendro” park


Option2 Gobustan-->Bibi-Heybat Mosque-->Having a meal at a restaurant-->Visit to Baku's inner shopping center--> Open choice: (museum,zoo, boat tour, tour at the center of the city) (Megafun, hamam, horse-breeding). In an open choice, guests have only 2 choices.


Option 3 Bina+ Sadarak shopping center, Tour at the city center) (Megafun, hamam, horse-breeding).


In an open choice, guests have only 2 choices.

Note: 1. If the guest himself sets up the program independently and if this program is appropriate for the programming standards of the company – then it is free, if it is not - an additional fee will be charged.

2. Only one of the option, which noted above can be selected. In this case, if other ones are selected additionally, it will be counted as an extra tour.

3. Entertainment and museum services are chargeable. Additional paid worth visiting enternainment venues “Dreamland” golf club “Omar” horse-breeding club “Paintball” entertainment center “Dalga Beach Aquapark Resort”



Baku- Shamakhu- Ismailli- Qabala

Visiting historical Shamakhu “Cuma” mosque

Tour at Ismailli woodland

Interior tour at Qabala

“Seven beauties” waterfool tour.

Funicular tour over the large forest and mountains.

Rest around Qabala “Nohur lake”. Tour in the lake with the boats


“Tour at Qabala land

Qabala- Oghuz- Shaki- Qabala.

Tour to Oghuz region. “Khal-Khal” waterfall tour.

Shaki city tour.

Shah palace tour.                                                                    

Rest around Markhal lake

Tour around national Shaki bazaar

Tour at caravanserai complex                                            

Additional paid worth visiting places

* Lahich village and Asma bridge tour

* Church of Kish tour

* Tour to Qakh city

* Ganja - Goygol Lake tour



Tour around Quba woodlands and villages

Tour around Tang AltıAfurca waterfall

Tour around Nugadi lake

Rest at Gudialchay riverside

Gachrash woodland tour

Additional paid worth visiting places

Khinalug village.

Travel to Gusar city. Funiculor and Laza waterfall tour.

Note: For rising Afurca waterfall, the special cars are used. So, it will

be 15 $ for 4 people.


Sight Seeing description

Baku: "Alley of Martyrs" in Highland ParkIt is a burial place of Azerbaijani and Turkish soldiers who were killed inthe battles for Baku in 1918. Also, the graves of the martyrs who diedfor their country in the war in 90s are situated here. But the mostpicturesque corner of Baku is Highland park. From here you get theopportunity to see how great and beautiful Baku city is.


Flag Square: This square is located in the center of the city. It is considered to be oneof the highest flags in the world. So that, the height of the flagpole is162 meters, the total weight of the structure is 220 tons. The width ofthe flag is 35 meters, length - 70 meters. In the year 2010 it wasrecognised as the highest in the world and was included in the GuinnessBook of Records. It is possible to have an enjoyable walk and take pictures in this square.

Flame Towers is the tallest skyscraper in Baku, Azerbaijan with a heightof 190 m (620 ft). The buildings consist of apartments, a hotel and officeblocks. The estimated cost of Flame Towers is around US$350 million.

Construction began in 2007, with completion in 2012. The Flame Towersconsist of three buildings; south, east and west. The facades of the threeFlame Towers are turned into gigantic display screens with the use ofmore than 10,000 high-power LED luminaries.Baku Crystal Hall is a multipurpose sports and concert arena. The arenais designed to hold the large-scale concerts and either team or individualsporting events.Baku Crystal Hall was constructed on the territory of Baku’s NationalFlag Cluster specifically to host Eurovision Song Contest 2012.The construction has been completed on 16th of April 2012. Officiallythe arena was announced open on 7th of May and on 22-26th of May itheld its first major event, Eurovision Song Contest 2012 Semi-Final andFinal competitions. The façade of Crystal Hall is equipped by thenumerous modern dynamic LED lights which allow creating various unique lighting effects.


Carpet Museum:

The Azerbaijani Carpet Museum was founded in 1967, becoming the world’s first specialized museum for collecting, preserving and studying carpets. The museum collection includes more than 10,000 items of ceramics, metal products of 14th century, jewelry from Bronze Age, carpets and carpet manufactures from the 17th-20th centuries, national clothes and embroidery, and works of applied art of present era. The museum is a scientific center for the study and development of the Azerbaijani carpet.

Mini Venice

Was launched in 1960. Although it is small, it has its own beauty.You can ride boats around the town surrounded with artificial rivers and waterfalls. It has always been in the spotlight of this small-town's citizens and visitors .


Old City

We continue our journey with a visit to the "Old City" or "Inner City".The territory of the "Old City " is 22 hectares, which is a small part ofthe total area of Baku (44,000 hectares). However, the concentration ofarchitectural and historical monuments dictates the necessity of thisexcursion to be held separately and makes this part of Baku, perhaps,the most interesting for study.Old City is the oldest residential area of Baku. When the Shirvanshahsmoved their capital from Shamakhi to Baku in the 15th century, massivebuildings started to be constructed there. During this period, the pearlof the fortress was built - the Palace of the Shirvanshahs. Behinddilapidated walls there are many unique monuments, palaces, mosques,remainings of caravanserais and baths. In 2000, this historical andcultural preserve, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Youwill also see such places of interest as:

• The Maiden Tower (XII century),

• The Multani Caravanserai

• the Bukhara Caravanserai

• Hamams (baths),

• Mosques (The Mahammad Mosque, The Djame Mosque, The AshurMosque and etch.)

• The Mugham (Easten Music) Theatre,

• The Museum of Miniature Books

• Shirvanshah Palace Complex (XV century),

• Fortress Walls                                                                       


Heydar Aliyev Center


The project of the Center was developed in 2007 by Irako-Britisharchitect and designer of Arab origin Zaha Hadid. The main building ofthe Center consists of three departments: the Heydar Aliyev Museum,exhibition halls and the "Auditorium". The general shape of the buildingresembles a wavy ascent from the earth to the sky with a subsequentgradual descent to the ground. This is not only a tribute to postmodernarchitecture, but also an image of the eternal cycle. The lines on thebuilding are a bridge between the past and the present.In 2014 it was recognized as the best building in the world. For many ofthose who first saw the design of the Heydar Aliyev Center, it was noteasy to believe that such a project could ever become a reality. In fact,even theoretically, the erection of the building of such an extraordinarydesign did not seem so realistic.


Seashore Park

A favorite place for recreation of Baku citizens and guests of the city.The length of the park is 25 km. Here you can go out to the sea and sailon the ferries. Also, you can ride on various types of carousels. In thispark, not getting tired, you can spend an unforgettable day.


The Philharmonic Garden

Ornamental plants planted here in 1865 capture attention with their beauty; new trees and flower bushes add more color shades to thegreen zone of the garden, as well as to the elements of the park ingeneral.

Rose bushes imported from Turkey and Italy are growing in the garden.The unique original vegetation of the garden has been preserved as itwas.The ZooThe Baku Zoo opened its doors yet in 1928. Today, the zoo has about160 species of animals, the number of which makes up about 1200 ofindividuals.


Absheron (Around Baku) excursion Burning mountain

The ignition of this fire occurred in ancient times. However, it is rather a hill than a mountain, on the slope of which since ancient times naturalgas is burning. One of the most famous and popular places of "eternalflame" among tourists.

The Temple of Fire "Ateshgyah”The temple of eternal fire "Ateshgyah" is the real Azerbaijani exotica. Itis known practically all over the world. This area is known for such a unique natural phenomenon as burning natural gas outlets. In themodern form the temple was built in the XVII-XVIII centuries. It was builtby the Hindu community of Baku, which belongs to the Sikh caste.However, the history of the temple "Ateshgyah" is much older. For along time on this territory the sanctuary of Zoroastrians-fireworshipperswas located. A place for those who really like to getacquainted with the ancient history of the world.


Dendro Park

It was founded in 1926 by the famous botanist Academician N.I.Vavilovin the village of Mardakan. Till now various kinds of plants are grownhere. Vegetation of arboretum exists on soil imported from other partsof Azerbaijan and under artificial irrigation. The park is one of the bestparks of the country.



Gobustan is a mountainous place in the south-east of the GreaterCaucasus Range. Just here the ancient sites of primitive people werefound, leaving behind them many rock paintings. These primitivemonuments of art reflect the culture, economy, worldview, customs andtraditions of ancient people. In Gobustan there are about 6000drawings, which were created from the Mesolithic times and through theMiddle Ages.


Bina + Sadarak shopping center

İt is the one of the greatest shopping center. So, it is possible to getdesirable qualitive welfare or clothes with cheap prices.


Entertainment centers:

Mega Fun (The largest indoor entertainment center at Caucasian. Forentertainment purposes, the most suitable place for children andadults).

Horse breeding ( Bullet shooting consists of pistol which shoot to thetarget. Also, “Big Sporting” horse breeding kind is available).Hamam (With preserving ancient traditions style swimming around thepool.Sail trips (The biggest lake in the world is travelled with the ship. 30minutes. This trip gives a special nice impression to the person.Additional paid worth visiting enternainment centers:“Omar” horse breeding club. (Riding horses and unforgettable tour.Using special horses kinds).“Dreamland” golf. New opened Gofclub, which appropriate to theinternational standarts in Baku. So, tournaments and internationalchampionships are held here. Every kind golf services are displayed.“Paintball” In any way, it is possible to play with comanda or couple.For lovers extrem, very affordable game.Akvapark (Dalgha beach and Shikhov beach) Clean beach, it is therecreation area for children and adults.



The two-thousand-year-old Gabala, the ancient city of Azerbaijan, for600 years was the capital of ancient Caucasian Albania, mentioned inthe works of ancient historians of the first century. Later in Arabicsources it was mentioned as Khazar. The area is rich with walnut andchestnut forests, each of which is about 500 years old. Floweringchestnuts in spring are of a unique beauty.


Juma Mosque

The oldest mosque in the Caucasus and the Middle East after Jumamosque in Derbent. The original building of the mosque was built byAbu Muslim in 743, as reported on the wall of the mosque, revealed in1902. The archeological excavations carried out on the territory of themosque revealed several cultural layers, the earliest of which is relatedto the 8th-10th centuries.


Oguz city: Khal-khal village, which is located here, has always been in the focus of attention of tourists for its special nature and forests. This placesurrounded with waterfall and huge cascade mountains has amazingbeauty.


Sheki city: City, located in the northwest of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Dagestan province, near the border with Georgia. According to historians, thename of the city is connected with the name of Sakas people who camein the eighth century to Azerbaijan.The city has many historical and architectural attractions, but the prideof the ancient Sheki is the majestic Royal Palace of Sheki Khans, built inthe 18th century without use of a single nail.reached up to now: the Upper and Lower ones, built in the 18thcentury.

Sheki has long been famous as a city of foremen, craftsmen andtraders. Tradesmen and merchants from the countries of the Great SilkRoad came here from all around. Therefore, the construction ofcaravanserais was given a special attention. So in the XVIII – XIXcenturies in Sheki there were 5 huge caravanserais. Two of them havereached up to now: the Upper and Lower ones, built in the 18thcentury.


Qakh city: The city, which situated at Caucasian mountains range has got specificnature. As well, cool rain seems at summer months sometimes.Tourists pay attention to this region.


Lahij village: Lagich is one of the famous trade and art centers in the Caucasus andbeyond its borders. Famous since the Middle Ages for the manufactureof cold steel and copper Lahij has long been known as the center ofhandicraft production, in particular, the manufacture of highly artisticcopper products decorated with engraved ornamentation.

Nature is unique for the trails, each of which is unique in its own way,capturing the attention of tourists eager to discover the picturesquesurroundings of this ancient Azerbaijani village. It is located in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus. In summer rainshere are very frequent and in many cases tourists can fall under thepouring rain. Also, there is a picturesque waterfall. Tourists are veryfond of these places.


Ganja: The post-Mongolian historian Hamd-Allah Mostafi testifies that theArab city of Ganja was founded in the 659-660's. Ganja is one of themain centers of science and education in Azerbaijan. There are 3 statehigher educational institutions in the city.

Also, in Ganja is situated one of the most beautiful lakes of theCaucasus - Blue lake (Goy Gol). According to historians, the terribleearthquake in 1139 resulted in that Kapaz mountain cut the path ofthe mountain river. Here in 1147, at the height of 1600m above thesea level emerged the lake.

The beauty of this place fascinates everyone.


Guba: One of the most beautiful cities in the country, Guba is especiallyattractive in spring and summer, when its numerous gardens and parksblossom. Also this city is famous for its fruits. There is a wide range ofdiffeffent types of apples. Likewise, Guba is famous for waterfalls andrivers.


Tangaalti: Has a meaning of "mountain from the earth". This place is distinguishedfor its spectacular nature and attracts the tourists.


Afurcha Waterfall: Is considered to be a giant waterfall of Azerbaijan's northern regions.The waterfall flows over a mountain range and gives a special beauty tothe surrounding forest.



Gechresh: The village is covered with forest on each side. A large number ofnatural springs and giant river flow on the territory of Gechresh.Among the northern regions, this village is considered to have thelargest flow of tourists.


Khynalig trip: Khynalyg is a historic centre of one of the ancient tribes of CaucasianAlbania and representatives of the peoples of Shahdagh. Hynalygphenomenon not only in the history of Azerbaijan, but also of mankindis one of the richest ethnographic legendary settlement, which has a5,000-year history. This is one of the villages situated in the northernregions on the height. The village has a beautiful landscape and nature.

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